
Academic Curriculum

Education at The Magnus Global School

Education should enlighten young minds, empower them to fulfil their dreams, Academic and Core Curriculum help them rationalize and nourish their souls. At Magnus Global School, we seek to nurture a new generation of thinkers who are confident, inventive and well - balanced. It is widely believed that learning comes to each child in his/her own unique way. We believe that creative spaces for exploration, inquiry and expression are indispensable. To foster new learning, the students are encouraged to reflect on the engaging experiences: what happened, how it happened and why it happened.

Curriculum and Pedagogy

The school curriculum is ingeniously designed to enhance creativity, collaboration, communication skills and team ethics. Our subjects do not exist in isolation, nor does our learning. Field- trips, excursions, movies, workshops, projects, meeting authors and experts from different fields constitute our academic framework. Our competent, experienced and progressive facilitators assist and guide the students in their journeys to explore the world both within and outside.

The school adopts a constructive approach and pedagogy with project based learning and hands-on experience as its areas of prime focus. Integrated, collaborative and interactive approach help the students to apply their knowledge in real-life situations and contribute to their holistic development. The students learn to critically evaluate, analyze and express themselves. Emphasis is placed on learning by asking questions, problem solving and through application. The curriculum includes programmes to develop scholastic and broader skills to complement each other. The overall environment is conducive to fostering Academic Excellence and Creative Brilliance.

Magnus Global School believes in a holistic approach to the curriculum, rather than merely focusing on Wider Curriculum rote-learning and text-book knowledge. The focus is on central concepts and principles, problem-solving and finding innovative solutions. Students will be encouraged how to think rather than what to think. Our programs have integrated the latest technology into the curriculum

Project Based Learning Programme

The transaction of the curriculum is designed with a 'child-centric' pedagogy i.e. giving primacy to children's experiences and their voices. Project based learning and integrated projects enhance their critical thinking and collaborative skills. Experiential learning being the core, the school uses play based activities to enhance the learning abilities of children. Through these hands-on experiences, teachers enable the students to learn new and advanced concepts, thereby deepening their overall understanding.