
Vision & Mission


Our Vision

To provide quality education through an innovative, creative and challenging curriculum that is student-centered with a learning process that is hands-on and inquiry-based, with outstanding life-skills to meet all needs of the globe.


Our Mission

Provide an environment that leads the students to excel in pursuit of knowledge and experience in an atmosphere of genuine freedom and profound joy. Strive towards a continual development of innovatively structured educational modules so as to enhance academic excellence, nurture scientific attitude and develop team spirit to create socially, ethically and environmentally sensitive children. Infuse temper of competence and sense of co-operation to excel as exemplary Global citizens. Equip teachers with novel resources to bloom themselves and to groom the growing buds to their best, ensuring meaningful participation of the parents and the society.


Our Objectives

Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, they make this world a beautiful garden. The seeds of knowledge, values and self-faith sown in the crucial years of a child stay rooted within them for the rest of their lives. Magnus attempts at polishing these uncut diamonds by giving them not only the roots, but also the wings! We mentor children with the right impression to see things with perfect clarity because through the eyes of a child, you don't see just the seven wonders of the world, but seven million! We develop delicate, curious minds in a stimulating environment and hi-tech classrooms, with the finest of facilities in the biggest educational campus in Burdwan, West Bengal.